Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Walk--------what about peace?

The golden crisps of leaves drift down to settle on the top of my head

i smile and shake my hair around my face

walking forward with no real direction in mind

the sun sends its yellow rays down

putting sparkle in the eyes of anyone outdoors

feeling the freedom of where to go and what to do

nothing could make me turn back hope

nothing can bring me down

from this self-loving mind set that i have placed myself inside

nobody knows where i am going

nobody i will know will see me

and this doesnt need to matter

i shake my head and laugh loudly to myself again

twirl around in a circle with my arms outstretched

and i feel the world turn

see it pass by me in a blur of greens and oranges

feeling alive

and only in the good way

who could imagine what it is like to never

take a walk like i have

to wonder if death will strike you down at any moment

alive the first dead the next

sunlight cascades around my figure making me a silouette in the falling light

look at what i have

i think

why cant everyone have this world?

why cant everyone have peace?

1 comment:

Ms. Wiesner said...

It flows well until this line: "putting sparkle in the eyes of anyone outdoors"

Cliche,"feeling the freedom of where to go and what to do

nothing could make me turn back hope

nothing can bring me down"

??from this self-loving mind set that i have placed myself inside

This works well, "i shake my head and laugh loudly to myself again

twirl around in a circle with my arms outstretched

and i feel the world turn

see it pass by me in a blur of greens and oranges

feeling alive "

This doesn't work, "and only in the good way"

I like the ending.