Sunday, September 21, 2008

When the hurricane swept over the place where my uncle was supposed to be getting married last weekend there was uneasiness and disappointment in the air. My grandmother was worried about the money that she thought was going to be lost but also about the couple's happiness. When the day finally came rain made it look like someone was repeatedly throwing buckets of water at the windows. The sloshing rain was pouring down making even the bravest of us think twice about going outside. A couple hours before the hurricane was still raving and the rain was still pouring down hard ,but the decision was to have the service outside anyway. The rain eventually thinned out a little making the sky bright gray and the reflection of the clouds on the river was truly just like a painting by monet. There was just a light sprinkling of rain as the marriage ceremony was being held and that kept it cooler underneath the enourmous white tent where dinner was served afterwards. When dinner had ended there was dancing and a live band which played anything from jazz to 'dancing queen'. As it got dark the rain thinned out wnd eventually stopped completely. The grass had dried off a little and the vibrant colors of pink red and orange were thrown accross the sky in dissaray as the sun settled down into the horizon. As i watched the sun go down behind the trees the only thing i could think of it that everything was set in order even if things hadent turned out as planned, but then again, things never go as planned in my family.

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