Sunday, April 19, 2009

ACT fraternity #1

hey everyone,
it has come to my attention that bata bridge has not been up to its usual par lately. Every day i will go by there and see birthdays, congratulations, and partys that happened a couple of weeks ago painted on it. It is not that i dislike the congratulations -- its cute; but i think that we would ALL prefer if when we walked by we saw truly amazing works of art and pre-planned painting instead of the unplanned dumping of paint buckets that occupies the bridge at this time. Wouldnt we all like that?? i feel like it would bring color to the surroundings and it would make you PROUD to be going to UVA. I know, as a fraternity, you have the power to help with this cause. I know that you can also round up other friends outside of the fraternity and get everyone on campus to really work at making the campus a more beautiful place. You may think that this is a silly idea at the moment but i can guarantee that it will be a worthwhile cause for you to help with!!
thank you